"They start in my toes Make me crinkle my nose Where ever it goes I always know That you make me smile Please stay for a while now Just take your time Where ever you go"
I wish you were here with me, or that I was there with you. Or that we could be some place else, it wouldn’t really matter, as long as we were together. I wish I had spent more time with you, I wish we had grown up together. I wish life didn’t keep us apart so many times, and for so long. The funniest thing is that sometimes I feel that, instead of getting used to not having you around as often as I’d like, I miss you more and more every time. I would give everything, to instead of arriving back here today it was still the day I was going there. With you I know I’m always me, there’s no one to criticize, and if there is, I’m always strong enough to tell them to “Go around the big block”, but here alone, I barely have someone to make me feel that strong. With you no matter what I say or do I know you’ll always love me the same way, you always did. Because you know me, and you accept me as I am, and every time I’m wrong even though I don’t really listen, because I’m as stubborn as you know, and everything always has to be done my way, you always have a good way of telling me how wrong I am, and you know I accept it, sometimes. It’s so hard to come to this place where I feel that nobody could ever be even just a little bit of what you are, that way it wouldn’t hurt as much, some years ago, I had people who made me feel good all the time, real friends, now we just don’t see each other much. Well, anyway, all I really want to say, is I love you Manusca, very, very much, and I miss you more than ever.
And whatever you decide I will always support you and be there for you.
And Remember, “be careful what you wish for, ‘cause you might just get it all”.
Thank you for everything, always. And sorry if I just made you cry! Heheh =D